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An Estimator’s DREAM Come True.
Make your bids more competitive… and enjoy the comfort of knowing that everything is accounted for
Erecting pre-engineered metal buildings? What if you could enter pitch, width, length, height and all related equipment and components—and then get an immediate price for labor, crane, fuel and equipment cost?
You can!
Over, many years we’ve calculated how long it takes a crew of professional ironworkers to perform each and every one of the most common metal building tasks… And now we’ve coded those tasks into Metal Building Bid Wizard.
MBBW is a godsend for metal buildings, insulated walls, roof panels and more.

Here’s How It Works
Enter your wages, fringes, tax burden, workman’s compensation average, general liability, subsistence, and percentage of mark up. (Just do it once—the system will save it for you!) Then enter your cost for forklifts, scissor-lifts, boom-lifts and cranes (of all different sizes), average fuel costs, cost of freight for equipment, and more.
Now do your takeoff and enter it into the Metal Building Bid Wizard. When you’re done, you’ll IMMEDIATELY have your price for the project.
It’s that simple!
Metal Building Bid Wizard even inputs your numbers onto a bid proposal form with your standard language and exclusions. (Don’t like them? Edit to suit your company.) This form can be used to enter the GC info, and email your erection bid to them. If you’d prefer, print your bid for faxing.
All this for only $597 Per Seat!
Let Metal Building Bid Wizard do its magic for your estimation experience
Although the construction industry is slow to shift from outdated project estimation techniques to digital solutions, staying resistant to progress is a dead-end path. By adopting the right software, you can do what you already do, but in an automated way. It means easier, faster, and with nothing falling through the cracks as you enter the specs. In a nutshell, this is what Metal Building Bid Wizard (MBBW) is developed for.
Picture this: you’re about to estimate the cost of a pre-engineered metal building construction project. You’re scrutinizing a myriad of specs, blueprints, and material requirements, trying to add everything up for a competitive bid. Then you’re drawing up a proposal form and entering numbers over and over again.
We’ve all been there, and we know that just because you’ve been estimating this way for years doesn’t mean it’s effective. Fortunately, MBBW can expedite the process while making sure your bids are perfectly accurate to turn a profit. It’s like an advanced metal building calculator that does the hardest part for you, eliminating human errors and inefficiencies in between.
MBBW is an app that uses a familiar Excel environment for estimation tasks. Whether you’re calculating the project cost for roofing, wall insulation, or metal building construction, our software can help you prepare a bid 60% faster than if you’d do this manually.
How to use the MBBW metal building cost estimator?
As MBBW is based on Excel, no steep learning curve is involved when getting a handle on using it. In fact, it’s one of the most intuitive metal building estimating solutions in today’s construction industry, which is why all erectors can adopt it with ease.
When you estimate with MBBW, you only need to enter:
- metal building dimensions (length, width, and roof pitch)
- wages, workers’ compensation, taxes, and your project markup
- construction machinery, equipment, fuel, and labor costs
Have you found a missing ingredient? A construction takeoff is the final piece of your estimation puzzle. Consider all the materials, measurements, and building dimensions to prepare it correctly. Then input your takeoff numbers into MBBW and run the metal building price calculator to get a project estimate.
Enter less and estimate in an instant
The MBBW metal building cost calculator is smart enough to save the information that will unlikely change for your other projects, such as workers’ compensation, taxes, fringes, etc. So the next time you need an estimate, you can skip several fields.
For the icing on your bidding cake, MBBW automatically transfers your estimates into an integrated bid proposal form. You can email it directly to your GC without having to re-enter any project information and costs. Also, bid proposal forms can be printed and changed to match your company’s other documents.
We’ve housed everything erectors need into the MBBW metal building cost estimator. Try it to transform your processes digitally and win more bids! With MBBW, you’re safe in the knowledge that you’re submitting error-free proposals every time.