Introducing The Project Management Wizard
What If You Could Know In Real Time If You Are On Track With Your Bid?
Great News! You Can!

In the past it’s always been a challenge to know exactly where you on a project… That is until it’s complete or close to being complete.
That’s a problem. How can you know in real time whether you’re turning a profit or not?
Wouldn’t it be nice to know in real time how your project is tracking with your bid—and know whether you’re making money or losing money?
Problem SOLVED…
With Project Management Wizard you now have the ability to know exactly where you are at in real time—so you can start every day knowing exactly where your costs are on all of your projects.
How AWESOME would that be?

Here is how it works:
With Steel Erection Bid Wizard, simply create a report of any project you bid—then, with the click of a button, send that report into Project Management Wizard.
Your foremen will use a tablet or smart phone and enter the quantities that are erected/installed at the end of each shift, each day into PMW. (This is a simple, intuitive process for a foreman.)
PMW sends what he entered back into the Steel Erection Bid Wizard. Project Management Wizard will deduct quantities submitted and next day show a new total left to erect/install. PMW then generates a report and sends it by email to whoever you want or log in and view it on dashboard—showing if are you on-track with cost that was bid or if you are behind.
If you’re behind, you’ll see exactly WHAT is behind—so you’ll know immediately what needs to be addressed. (A BIG benefit here is if the foreman has installed something that is not in the report, the red flag goes up immediately… Meaning you can reach out and find out why this was not picked up in the bid process.)
Take a Quick Tour Of The Project Management Wizard's Many Benefits

Get Real-Time Reports
Know exactly where you are—in real time—on any project you’re working. Reports in Project Management Wizard are created with precisely the data you need to know. That helps you make adjustments in the field, if needed, before it's too late.
Track Equipment
Project Management Wizard allows you to enter rental equipment and the dates that equipment was rented. Three days before the start of the next month, PMW will email anyone you like, letting them know that month’s end is almost up—so you can evaluate if you want to turn in equipment or keep it another month.
How nice it would it be to have a system in place that automatically helped you track rental equipment? How many times has your company been caught and had to pay the higher weekly rate for equipment because you missed the month-end?
Problem solved!

Track Man Hours
Project Management Wizard lets your foreman enter all hours worked each day for each ironworker. PMW will generate a report that can be used for payroll and email it to you for your review.
Auto-Create Schedule
With PMW, your steel erection duration schedule is built for you, taking into consideration area and floors, and overtime or straight time.
Imagine having your project schedule built for you immediately after you finish a bid—with NO extra effort on your part. And in a format that is ready to hand to the General Contractor!
With PMW, you have complete control of how your schedule is put together with simple point and click. Enter the start dates and you’re done.

Break Out SOV by Area
In Project Management Wizard, your Schedule Of Values is broken out by area or floors. It can also show projected cost of workman’s compensation, fringes, general liability and tax burden.
Know—at a glance—exactly what it costs to install beams, columns, joists, deck, etc.
Simplify Billing
Billing is a breeze with Project Management Wizard, since everything that is being erected or installed is tracked. That means at billing time you can generate a report and know exactly what needs to be billed.