Attention Steel Erectors
Learn how over 250 Steel Erectors have revolutionized the way they estimate. Take your estimating department digital with the Steel Erection Bid Wizard. Only software on the market made for Erectors by an Erector.
Steel Erection Bid Wizard
Steel Erection Bid Wizard is a fully functional steel erection estimating software package. Estimate your bids more accurately and faster than ever before.

Benefits Of The Steel Erection Bid Wizard
- Reduce the time it takes to estimate by 50% or more
- Tried & true production rates for labor, crane & weld time
- You can easily adjust production rates to fit your company
- More than 300 built-in tasks
- Weather projections Based on 25 years of history
- Built in Production Rate Calculator
- Ablity to create your own tasks and add new categories
- Generate one-touch proposals
- Integrate with multiple takeoff software's
- Smart Fuel calculator
- Peace of mind
- Works in both Imperial and Metric.
How would You Like To Know If You Are Making Money Or Losing Money... In Real Time?
Project Management Wizard
Track bids—and watch costs and profits—in real time.
What if you could start every day knowing where your costs are on a project?

Benefits Of The Project Management Wizard
- Get Real-Time Reports
- Track Equipment
- Simplify Billing
- Track Man Hours
- Auto-Create Schedule
- Track Project In Real Time
See It In Action, Get Demo Video Today!
If you would rather talk to a live person give me a call 505-249-2390
Steel estimating made easier and more accurate
Today’s the day to take your estimating digital. At Steel Estimating Solutions, we proudly unveil one-of-a-kind programs to automate your estimating and make your steel erection bids more accurate. Why not invest in something that will help build your bottom line.
Our main steel estimating software solutions include the Steel Erection Bid Wizard (SEBW) and the Metal Building Bid Wizard (MBBW). Developed by an erector for an erector, they incorporate everything a estimator needs when dealing with project calculations and bidding. We know what matters to you and make sure you have it right at your fingertips with our solutions.
How to estimate steel erection costs with SEBW?
What is it that poses the biggest challenge for you as an estimator? Rest assured: it will not be that tough and time-consuming anymore. With SEBW, every step of the estimation process is much more streamlined – from calculating costs to customizing production rates and meeting labor requirements.
Based on hundreds of integrated task formulas, SEBW greatly expedites the once-manual structural steel estimating process. When using it, you will only need to:
- Do a steel erection takeoff
- Import or enter takeoff into SEBW
- Add crew size, equipment, crane and any general conditions needed
- Massage the bid to your liking
- Done, you have a Bid Proposal created as well as a duration schedule
For takeoffs, Steel Erection Bid Wizard can be integrated with Tekla, eTakeoff, SDS2, and many other specialized tools. Streamline whatever you’re doing with a bunch of leading steel estimating products and solutions.
How to estimate metal building tasks with MBBW?
Metal Building Bid Wizard is an Excel-based solution that takes the guesswork out for your estimators. Similar to SEBW, it’s designed to simplify estimation at all stages of your construction project. But unlike it, MBBW is used for pre-engineered metal buildings.
Both our metal and structural steel estimating solutions are easy to use. Here’s how you can nail it with MBBW:
- specify length, width, and pitch
- enter equipment, tooling, transportation, and other project-related costs
- input labor costs, tax liabilities, etc.
- prepare your construction takeoff
- get an estimate
The next thing to do is to go over the numbers. Once everything is taken into account and works well for your company, you can be sure your bids will be nothing but accurate.
When every dollar counts
Even a minor error in your estimate can eat away at your company’s bottom line. What we offer is an automated way to prevent costly mistakes and make sure you’re not losing money.
Using our metal and steel solutions for building estimates is all about having numerical peace of mind. They minimize human error and, in doing so, increase project profitability and cost-efficiency. Say bye to wrong estimates and their detrimental effects once and for all!
How about checking out our software in action? We can’t wait to provide you with a demo and guide you on how to estimate steel erection and metal building projects the right way. Schedule it online to get started.