Introducing The Project Management Wizard

What If You Could Know In Real Time If You Are On Track With Your Bid? Great News! You Can!

Project Management Wizard: Real-Time Tracking for Your Projects

Know Exactly Where You Stand—At All Times

In the past, tracking project progress has been a challenge. Often, you wouldn’t know if you were making a profit until the project was nearly complete.

That’s a problem.

How can you know in real time whether you’re turning a profit or falling behind?

Problem SOLVED…

With Project Management Wizard (PMW), you now have the ability to track your project’s financial and operational progress in real-time.

Start every day knowing exactly where your costs are for all your projects.

How AWESOME would that be?

How It Works

Real-Time Cost Tracking

Immediate Red Flags

Seamless Integration with Steel Erection Bid Wizard

Daily Input from Foremen

Key Benefits of Project Management Wizard

Get Real-Time Reports

Know exactly where you are—in real time—on any project you’re working.

Track Equipment

Project Management Wizard allows you to enter rental equipment

Track Man Hours

Project Management Wizard lets your foreman enter all hours worked

Auto-Create Schedule

With PMW, your steel erection duration schedule is built for you,

Break Out SOV by Area

In Project Management Wizard, your Schedule Of Values is broken

Simplify Billing

Billing is a breeze with Project Management Wizard, since everything

Project Management Wizard Is A True Game Changer